Employment Law
Inviting for job interview by email not discriminatory
This time, Natasa Randlova contributed with her article to the section focused on discrimination. In the case, the Supreme Court …
Employment Law Update – July 2012
The article provides an overview of prepared and adopted changes in employment law in the period from June 1, 2012 …
Non-competition clause – 21 Cdo 4394/2010
In this case, an employer concluded a non-competition clause with an employee, which expressly allowed the employer to unilaterally terminate the non-competition clause …
Labour Code. Commentary
New Labour Code commentary published by Wolters Kluwer is a result of work of a team of authors, whose members …
Czech Supreme Court accepts broad “transfer” definition
In the article, Natasa Randlova returns to the case of the Czech Supreme Court from July 2010 dealing with the …
Transfer of undertaking despite termination by the transferor followed by a new contract with the transferee
The article by Natasa Randlova analyses a decision of the Czech Supreme Court addressing the termination of employment contract and …
Czech Supreme Court accepts US at will termination clause
The zero edition of the journal EELC, which provides a summary of judicial decisions of particular European countries courts, includes …
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