Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic – special coronavirus web here is, among other things, a list of countries according to the degree of risk of transmission of the disease (so-called traveller’s traffic light)
Special government portal for current measures
Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic
Government of the Czech Republic current measures information can be found here
Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic
The National Insitute of Public Health
Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic
Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic
Czech Social Security Administration
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic
Czech Confederation of Commerce and Tourism
The Czech Association of Hotels and Restaurants
The Czech-Moravian Guarantee and Development Bank
The Czech Trade Inspection Authority
Other useful links
Coronavirus – advice for international employers from 57 countries
Portal of the capital city of Prague (especially notice on coronavirus)