Minimum rest when working in multiple employment relationships
Nataša Randlová and Milan Flachs deal with a new judgement of the European Court of Justice which will – according to the authors – shake the actual HR practice.
The article is in Czech version only.
Taking annual leave between maternal and parental leave
In his article, Michal Peškar deals with changes as brought by the new regulation regarding annual leave in the Czech Labour Code (being effective as of 1 January 2021) when taken between maternal and parental leave of a female employee.
The article is in Czech version only.
Posting of employees within the EU – France, Netherlands
Unique employment-law series: Posting of Employees within the EU, which proposes to be helpful namely for Czech employers posting their workers to other member states of the European Union, is being patronized by the international alliance Ius Laboris whose exclusive member Randl Partners are for the Czech Republic.
Particular national regulations have been described by the IL member law firms within the international project „Immigration and Global Mobility“.
In each episode of the series, you may find legal regulation concerning the posting of workers abroad of two particular EU member states‘ jurisdictions – in the fourth issue, the authors have focused on the implementation in France and Netherlands.
The article is in Czech version only.
The highest ranking for Randl Partners in Chambers Europe 2021
The most acknowledged world-wide ranking of British company Chambers and Partners has published its European version for 2021 – Chambers Europe. For the eleventh time in a row, the employment-law team of Randl Partners has been confirmed at the highest level of evaluation, i.e. in Band 1. At the same time, Nataša Randlová has been awarded the “Star Individual” appraisal as a personality with an exceptional reputation in the field of Czech employment law, for the anniversary tenth time in a row. Congratulations!
Both the firm’s and Nataša’s profile and ranking can be found here.
Michal Peškar has commented on the issue of employee testing in companies
Michal Peškar, attorney-at-law and partner of Randl Partners, has commented on the situation of employee testing in companies in a press coverage by the news channel of the Czech TV. His speech from 3 March 2021 can be found here.
Randls HR News No. 2/2021
In the second edition of this years’ HR News, we will inform you about the new isolation benefit, which is a financial benefit of up to 370 CZK for employees in case of ordered quarantine or isolation, we will briefly introduce the Pandemic law, one of the practical news according to the amendment of Labour Code related to time off with salary compensation when assisting at an event for children and youth and the new Employment Office’s programme supporting flexible employment “FLEXI“, which enables employers to get a financial contribution for salary payments for certain groups of employees.
Posting of employees within the EU – Germany, Austria
Unique employment-law series: Posting of Employees within the EU, which proposes to be helpful namely for Czech employers posting their workers to other member states of the European Union, is being patronized by the international alliance Ius Laboris whose exclusive member Randl Partners are for the Czech Republic.
Particular national regulations have been described by the IL member law firms within the international project „Immigration and Global Mobility“.
In each episode of the series, you may find legal regulation concerning the posting of workers abroad of two particular EU member states‘ jurisdictions – in the third issue, the authors have focused on the implementation in Germany and Austria.
The article is in Czech version only.
How many unexcused absences lead to immediate termination of employment according to the courts?
For many years, there has been practive that at least 5 unexcused absences of the employee at work may lead to the immediate termination of his/her employment relationship. However, this issue is not just black and white – each case must be reviewed individually. The authors have chosen two cases judged by the Czech Supreme Court in which the 5-day practice had been broken.
The article is in Czech version only.
Refusing to be tested can lead to a heavy fine or even to loss of work
Michal Peškar has provided answears to the questions regarding obligatory employee testing as put by Lidové noviny.
The article (in Czech version only) can be found here.
Nataša Randlová listed in TOP 100 women of Czech and Slovakian law chart
The website INFO.CZ in cooperation with the project #PRVNÍCH100LET (#FIRST100YEARS) has prepared a unique chart of a hundred women who have been covering in key segments of the Czech and Slovakian law business.
Nataša Randlová has been listed in the chart in the Labour Law Cathegory. Congratulations!
Online chart can be found here.
Posting of employees within the EU – Belgium, Poland
Unique employment-law series: Posting of Employees within the EU, which proposes to be helpful namely for Czech employers posting their workers to other member states of the European Union, is being patronized by the international alliance Ius Laboris whose exclusive member Randl Partners are for the Czech Republic.
Particular national regulations have been described by the IL member law firms within the international project „Immigration and Global Mobility“.
In each episode of the series, you may find legal regulation concerning the posting of workers abroad of two particular EU member states‘ jurisdictions – in the second issue, the authors have focused on the implementation in Belgium and Poland.
The article is in Czech version only.
Consideration of the “temporality” of secondment in the agency employment
Czech labor law does not adequately reflect the requirement of “temporality” of secondment in the agency employment, although the obligation to effectively ensure it follows directly from the EU law. The CJEU recently commented on this obligation in its judgment of 14 October 2020 in Case C-681/18, in which it set out how the temporary nature of the allocation is to be ensured.
The article is in Czech version only.
Amendment of the Labour Code
In this year’s second issue of a monthly periodical “School management”, the authors summarize main changes brought by an extensive amendment of the Labour Code in 2020.
The article is in Czech version only.
Posting of employees within the EU
Unique employment-law series: Posting of Employees within the EU, which proposes to be helpful namely for Czech employers posting their workers to other member states of the European Union, is being patronized by the international alliance Ius Laboris whose exclusive member Randl Partners are for the Czech Republic.
Particular national regulations have been described by the IL member law firms within the international project „Immigration and Global Mobility“.
In each episode of the series, you may find legal regulation concerning the posting of workers abroad of two particular EU member states‘ jurisdictions – in the first issue, the authors have focused on the content of the Directive (EU) 2018/957 itself and its implementation in Slovakia.
The article is in Czech version only.
Randls HR News No. 1/2021
Our traditional special issue of HR News full of numbers is here! Below you will find a number of changes which are connected to the turn of the year. In particular, these changes affect minimum wage and guaranteed minimum wage, travel allowances as well as a novelty in the form of a meal-ticket tariff or cancellation of the super-gross wage.
Nataša Randlová has co-authored a new Labour Code Commentary
The sixth edition of a detailed Labour Code Commentary which has been issued in November 2020 includes extensive changes brought by the actual amendment (Act No. 285/2020 Coll.). The collective of authors is very varied – from the academical experts to the authors of the amendment themselves.
If you plan to buy this practical helper to your HR practice and you are our client, do not hesitate to send us an e-mail to and we will get back to you with a 10% discount (the offer is valid until 31 December 2020).