ESG according to Ius Laboris

Why does ESG matter? When organisations commit to doing more on environmental, social and governance issues, it’s not just a box ticking exercise: it’s a statement of intent about making the world – and the world of work – a better, fairer place.

On this page, Ius Laboris lawyers explore how ESG issues are shaping policy and practice in different areas of employment law: ESG – Ius Laboris

Randls HR News No. 1/2022

Our traditional special issue of HR News full of numbers is here! Below you will find a number of changes which are connected to the turn of the year. In particular, these changes affect minimum wage and guaranteed minimum wage or travel allowances.

GALA Publishes Second Edition of Guide to Conducting Sweepstakes & Contests Globally

The Global Advertising Lawyers Alliance is very pleased to announce the publication of the second edition of Sweepstakes & Contests: A Global Legal Perspective, which is the definitive guide to conducting sweepstakes and contests in more than 70 countries around the world, from Argentina to Zimbabwe.

In addition to updating existing chapters to take into account recent legal developments, the 500 page book includes coverage for 17 additional countries, including Bosnia & Herzegovina, Cyprus, Egypt, El Salvador, Estonia, Ghana, Guatemala, Honduras, Kenya, Latvia, Lithuania, Nigeria, Romania, Serbia, Trinidad & Tobago, the United Arab Emirates, and Zimbabwe.

Organized by country, each chapter summarizes how sweepstakes and contests are regulated in that country, providing detailed information on country-specific rules, filing requirements, prizes, tax liabilities, and important cases.

The book is available for purchase on Amazon.  In addition, pdf versions of the book are available for free by contacting GALA or any GALA member.

Randls HR News No. 4/2021

This early autumn issue of Randls HR News has been focused on what the amendment to the Sickness Insurance Act will mean for employers. Although at first glance the changes might seem to be of a formal nature only, we believe they may affect the HR practice quite significantly. You will see for yourself. We also focused on a project introduced by the Labour Office called FLEXI Programme, the brief description of which has probably landed in your employers’ data box in recent days. We elaborated and explained the individual options the FLEXI Programme offers. Last but not least, we addressed a ruling of the EU Court of Justice on the issue of working hours and rest periods. It is really very interesting and could influence a big part of the HR practice.

Randl Partners as authors of the Advertising and Marketing Guide 2021

Publication section of the prestigious Chambers and Partners Ranking Guide has published its newest report withing the series of Global Practice Guides with the topic of Advertising and Marketing 2021.

The new Advertising & Marketing 2021 guide features 13 high-profile jurisdictions. The guide provides the latest legal information on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, advertising claims and clinical studies, comparative advertising, social/digital media, influencer campaigns, consumer promotions, sports betting/gambling, and cryptocurrency and non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

As for the Czech legislation, the contribution has been prepared by Irena Lišková together with Ladislav Mádl a Veronika Juhasová.

The online version of the contribution can be found here.

Posting of employees within the EU – Croatia

Unique employment-law series: Posting of Employees within the EU, which proposes to be helpful namely for Czech employers posting their workers to other member states of the European Union, is being patronized by the international alliance Ius Laboris whose exclusive member Randl Partners are for the Czech Republic.

Particular national regulations have been described by the IL member law firms within the international project „Immigration and Global Mobility“.

In each episode of the series, you may find legal regulation concerning the posting of workers abroad of two particular EU member states‘ jurisdictions – in the nineth issue, the authors have focused on the implementation in Croatia.

The article is in Czech version only.

Posting of employees within the EU – Finland, Greece

Unique employment-law series: Posting of Employees within the EU, which proposes to be helpful namely for Czech employers posting their workers to other member states of the European Union, is being patronized by the international alliance Ius Laboris whose exclusive member Randl Partners are for the Czech Republic.

Particular national regulations have been described by the IL member law firms within the international project „Immigration and Global Mobility“.

In each episode of the series, you may find legal regulation concerning the posting of workers abroad of two particular EU member states‘ jurisdictions – in the eighth issue, the authors have focused on the implementation in Finland and Greece.

The article is in Czech version only.

Whistleblowing – development and perspective

In the Czech Republic, general public is getting more and more aware of the term Whistleblowing. Anežka Petrová has written an article about it.

The article is in Czech version only.


Posting of employees within the EU – Cyprus, Spain

Unique employment-law series: Posting of Employees within the EU, which proposes to be helpful namely for Czech employers posting their workers to other member states of the European Union, is being patronized by the international alliance Ius Laboris whose exclusive member Randl Partners are for the Czech Republic.

Particular national regulations have been described by the IL member law firms within the international project „Immigration and Global Mobility“.

In each episode of the series, you may find legal regulation concerning the posting of workers abroad of two particular EU member states‘ jurisdictions – in the seventh issue, the authors have focused on the implementation in Cyprus and Spain.

The article is in Czech version only.

Being on-call according to the ECJ

The authors deals with recent judgements of the ECJ regarding the issue of being on-call – whether (or when) it should be considered working hours and when it is rest period.

The article is in Czech version only.

Refueling card etrusted to an employee

The authors deal with several judgements of the Czech Supreme Court regarding the issue of material liability between the employer and the employee and how this applies on refueling card entrusted to the employee.

The article is in Czech version only.

Randls HR News No. 3/2021

As summer continues, we are pleased to bring you a new instalment of Randls HR News. The epidemic, which is fortunately now in one of its waning phases, has inspired legislators to draft an amendment to the Labour Code to regulate so-called kurzarbeit – a topic we will cover in the first part of our news. In part two, we will then look at the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs’ manual on impediments to work during a natural event. Last but not least, we will bring you a short report on the proposed amendment to the Employment Act concerning agency workers, and finally we will mention new OSH rules in relation to the operation of so-called dedicated technical equipment, which will come into force during 2022.

Posting of employees within the EU – Portugal, Latvia

Unique employment-law series: Posting of Employees within the EU, which proposes to be helpful namely for Czech employers posting their workers to other member states of the European Union, is being patronized by the international alliance Ius Laboris whose exclusive member Randl Partners are for the Czech Republic.

Particular national regulations have been described by the IL member law firms within the international project „Immigration and Global Mobility“.

In each episode of the series, you may find legal regulation concerning the posting of workers abroad of two particular EU member states‘ jurisdictions – in the sixth issue, the authors have focused on the implementation in Portugal and Latvia.

The article is in Czech version only.

Change and increase in the annual leave entitlement

Michal Peškar gives his opinion to the cases of change of the annual leave entitlement within a continuous employment relationship during a calendar year.

The article is in Czech version only.

Nataša Randlová among the most influential Czech women again

Congratulations to Nataša Randlová who has placed in the chart of 150 most influential women in the Czech Republic as published by the Forbes magazine.

More information can be found here.

Posting of employees within the EU – Luxembourg, Italy

Unique employment-law series: Posting of Employees within the EU, which proposes to be helpful namely for Czech employers posting their workers to other member states of the European Union, is being patronized by the international alliance Ius Laboris whose exclusive member Randl Partners are for the Czech Republic.

Particular national regulations have been described by the IL member law firms within the international project „Immigration and Global Mobility“.

In each episode of the series, you may find legal regulation concerning the posting of workers abroad of two particular EU member states‘ jurisdictions – in the fifth issue, the authors have focused on the implementation in Luxembourg and Italy.

The article is in Czech version only.